Friday, September 26, 2014

'The Hal Lindsey Report' "The ISIS Weapons and Relief Act!"

This is how U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel recently described ISIS (variously known as ISIL or Islamic State): "This is a force that is sophisticated. It's dynamic, it's strong, it's organized, it's well-financed, it's competent. And it is a threat to our allies all over the Middle East. It's a threat to Europe. It's a threat to every stabilized country on earth, and it's a threat to us." 

Senator Dianne Feinstein, Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, described ISIS as "the most vicious, well-funded and militant terrorist organization we have ever seen.... In the absence of U.S. leadership and action... we could suffer the consequences for decades to come." 

So what is the President, with Congressional cooperation, going to do? Well, promptly send some more weapons and equipment to ISIS. To be fair, the official line is that the weapons, equipment, and support are going to "moderate elements" among the Syrian rebels. But there is absolutely no way to guarantee that those new arms will not end up in ISIS' hands. None of the rebel factions in Syria or Iraq can be trusted. And ISIS is certainly capable of taking the stuff away from them, anyway. The advanced American equipment they're using now they took away from the Iraqi armed forces! 

The Congress might as well have passed "The ISIS Weapons and Relief Act!" 

Folks, we're in a pickle in that part of the world. By pulling our troops completely out of Iraq and allowing those rebel elements to regain momentum, power, and critical mass, we've virtually guaranteed that we'll have to put boots back on the ground to restore what we gained there through immense sacrifice of lives and treasure. "Pinpoint" airstrikes won't do the job completely. 

Is it just me or has President Obama's 2009 Nobel Peace Prize lost a little of its luster over there on the White House mantel? 

Unbelievably, there are those who contend that it's not urgent that we deal with ISIS and other jihadist groups. They say that they don't pose an immediate threat to the U.S. homeland. 

We must understand that to hit the United States in some way is not a meaningless act to Islamic jihadis. Hitting the United States is the ultimate goal of all terrorists. They hate the U.S. with a supernatural passion. Remember, they view the U.S. as the "Great Satan." So the most ruthless, barbaric, and spectacular attacks against us builds them up as major players in the world -- fighters not afraid to take on the biggest bully on the block. 

And any notoriety like that only helps them compete for recruits and funding with rival terrorist groups. 

Over the years, Newsweek has had a contentious relationship with Jesus. Magazines publishers learned long ago that putting Him on the cover provides an easy sales boost, no matter what they say about Him in the pages. Every year, as we approach Christmas or Easter, we see major magazines featuring sensational stories about Jesus or the Bible. 

Last week, Newsweek published an article which they titled, "Jesus Was Crucified Because Disciples Were Armed, Bible Analysis Suggests." As usual, their "Bible scholars" went to great lengths to find some way to debunk the miracle of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. 

But claiming that Jesus was arrested and crucified because a couple of His followers violated a Roman weapons ban? That's scraping the bottom of the barrel! 

That may give us a clue as to why when Newsweek first started its war on Jesus, it was one of the most respected and well-read magazines on earth. All these years later, it's barely even in existence. In 2010, it sold for one dollar. And the new owner said publicly that he regretted even spending the buck. He called it "a mistake." 

Since 2013, Newsweek has existed only on the internet. I believe that may be because the magazine's editors consistently showed contempt for traditional American values, including respect for the Christian faith. And, apparently, they're still at it; still trying to take down Jesus. 

That's a little like a mouse butting its head against the Rock of Gibraltar. 

Another establishment that seems to be determined to eliminate Jesus and His influence from its ranks is the United States military. I've reported many times on those efforts over the last few years. But I've got some good news. The opponents of Jesus Christ may not be winning that war, either. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

'The Hal Lindsey Report' President Barack Obama spoke of the Islamic State

Recently, President Barack Obama spoke of the Islamic State, variously known as ISIS or ISIL. He said, "ISIL is not 'Islamic.' No religion condones the killing of innocents. And the vast majority of ISIL's victims have been Muslim." 

The President apparently means it's not "Islamic" in some vague spiritual sense, but it's simply not true. It's wishful thinking. In every measurable way, ISIS is "Islamic." It consistently reflects the hard, fundamental teachings of the Koran, the Hadith, and the severe example of Mohammed's own life. 

The "I" in ISIS or ISIL really does stand for "Islam." Will they let Christians and Jews join the organization? Of course not. They force them to convert or face death. When they take over a community, do they set up secular systems of laws? No. They immediately impose Sharia law. 

In responding to the recent video of the ISIS beheading of British aid worker David Haines, Prime Minister David Cameron said, "Islam is a religion of peace. They (ISIS) are not Muslims, they are monsters." Yes, Mr. Prime Minister, they're monsters, but they're also Muslims. 

President Obama says that they can't possibly be Islamic because the majority of their victims are Muslims. Jack the Ripper's victims were all British. Does that mean he wasn't British? Killers kill whatever victim they find at hand. 

Gary Bauer of the Campaign for Working Families said, "The reason the overwhelming majority of victims have been Muslim is a matter of geography - ISIL operates in a predominately Muslim region... for now. If ISIL, Hamas and Hezbollah ever get to Israel, the great majority of their victims will be Jews." 

Also, their killing of fellow Muslims fits in with teaching from the Koran and Hadith. They kill those that they consider apostates, just as their religion dictates. Millions of Muslims believe that theirs is a religion of peace because, like some Christians, they haven't really looked closely at their own founding documents of their faith. 

I don't expect Presidents to be as plainspoken about Islam as someone like myself, a Christian minister. Part of my job is to contrast other belief systems with that of the Gospel and show, as much as I can, the infinite superiority of Jesus and His Word. But I do expect them to be realistic in their assessment of Islam. It's not their job to contrast Islam and Christianity, but neither is it their job to conflate the two. 

The world wants to put a smiley face on religion. It teaches that all religion is basically good. The sugarcoated world of political correctness is not always the real world at all, and when a government's policy is based on PC instead of facts, that government - and its people - are in real trouble. 

The President appears to be building his new strategy for dealing with ISIS on the idea of arming the "moderate" rebels to help us fight ISIS in Syria. The day after his announcement, the "moderate" rebels in whom President Obama had just publicly placed his faith, agreed to a non-aggression pact with ISIS. In essence, they publicly declared that they will not fight or oppose ISIS. 

That agreement may or may not hold, but it shows the shaky ground on which we walk. We might as well build our ISIS policy on Peter Pan and Tinker Bell. The moderates we're looking for just don't exist. 

In the past, I have applauded President Obama for not giving in to pressure from those who believe this myth. That's all changed now. In his September 10 speech, he made not only their existence, but also their reliability a cornerstone of his ISIS strategy. 

By saying that we can trust them now, he's admitting to a fundamental error in judgment then. If the rebels really were the good-guy alternatives to Assad and ISIS, then he could have armed them two years ago and today we wouldn't be dealing with Assad or ISIS. But the "moderates" were an illusion then, and they're still an illusion today. 

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is undoubtedly an evil and vicious man, but he is not ISIS. And he is the head of a state that needs to maintain some sort of acceptance among the nations of the world, unlike ISIS, who believes that the more brutal and barbaric it behaves, the more it pleases Allah. 

It's an understatement to say that events and developments in the Middle East and around the world are disturbing and frightening. It's also understating the issue to say that most of our leaders have no clue about what to do because they refuse to identify the enemy and act based on that assessment, not on what is politically acceptable. That makes what's happening in the world even more frightening. 

And there's no doubt that hatred of Christians and Jews is exploding around the world. Unbelievably, in our "civilized" world, beheadings and crucifixions are now in the headlines. 

Jesus Himself warned that in the last days we would be hated for His name's sake. As I've said many times, I think physical persecution of Christians is coming soon to America. Will you be ready to stand strong in those days? For many of our brothers and sisters in other nations, "those days" are here. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The age of America will soon come to an end

The International Monetary Fund, the IMF, recently dropped a bombshell and most of the world is yet to notice that for the first time, this international organization has set a date when the age of America will end and the United States economy will be overtaken by that of China. According to the latest IMF official forecast, China's economy will surpass that of America in real terms, in 2016 which will bring an end to America's leadership in this world. 

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

America's leadership role in our world today is coming to an end and it could be sooner rather than later, according to Bible prophecy. 

For the last several years America has been on a downward spiral economically and it does not seem like any of our political leaders know how to stop the economic disaster that is on the horizon for the United States. A recent report by the International Monetary Fund reveals that by 2016, China will surpass the United States economically and become the world's superpower. 

In light of the prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the end of times, the IMF report is right on target. America has been great because it has been the launchpad for world evangelization with the manpower, materials, and money needed to reach the world with the gospel message that Jesus Christ is the Savior. The United States has also played the major role in protecting the Jewish people but that key role for America is about to come to and end one way or another. 

The IMF forecast is one very viable possibility but I believe the Rapture of the Church, true born again Christians, leaving this world for the heavens will render America inoperative. America has kept the Middle Eastern Islamic nations from attacking and destroying Israel as foretold in Bible prophecy in Daniel 11 and Ezekiel 38. 

The rise of the European Union which I do believe is at least the infrastructure for the Revived Roman Empire and the appearance of the world dictator out of the Revived Roman Empire, the Antichrist, as foretold in Daniel 7:7-24 has been held back by a strong United States. 

With America on the sidelines, end time Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Al Qaeda is calling for Jihad, a holy war

Dr. Al Zawari who is the head of Al Qaeda is calling for a Middle Eastern Jihad, a holy war, and he wants the Islamic world to join him in this battle.
It is actually a bit funny because Zawari is trying to divert attention from the failure of Al Qaeda in Syria to overthrow Assad and at the same time in this statement he is throwing stones at the Iranians who in the past have been his biggest supporters. Zawari was the man who along with Imad for the Iranians who solidified the Al Qaeda-Iran connection back in the 1990's.

He has historically been the leader in Al Qaeda who has promoted a Sunni-Shia healing process, a unity between Sunnis and Shias and now in fact he is breaking off from that, he is accusing the Iranians of trouble making in Syria and he has essentially joined Yousef Kawadowi, the Palestinian preacher on Al Jazeera who called for a Jihad against Iran and Syria just last week. So, calling for holy war against Israel is just his way of patching up this increasing Sunni-Shia divide trying to divert attention from that and focus it on the Muslims traditional whipping boy.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

A call for holy war in the Middle East by Al Qaeda is a precursor to the end time prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy.

There will be a Jihad in the future, a holy war across the entire Middle East and it will focus on the Jewish state of Israel. Ezekiel 38, Daniel 11, and Psalm 83 are the prophecies pertaining to this holy war. This will be an alignment of Islamic states to attack the Jewish state of Israel and only God will be able to save the Jewish people, Ezekiel 38:18-39:6.

As we look at the Middle East according to the report from Ken Timmerman on our broadcast today, we can understand where we are in God's time. All the actors are in place and any student of Bible prophecy can recognize that the curtain is about to go up for that final drama.

In the Middle East with this call for Jihad, a holy war, the stage is set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Friday, September 5, 2014

'The Hal Lindsey Report' you reap what you sow

The prophet Hosea warned that you reap what you sow. He said that if you sow the wind, you'll reap the whirlwind. (Hosea 8:7) 

In many ways, America and the West are reaping what we've sown -- but more tornado than whirlwind. We encouraged (and funded and armed) the Islamic "opposition" in Syria, now we're facing that same evil force on steroids! And now they're opposing us. 

Not only does ISIS control 35,000 square miles of territory across Syria and Iraq, it has global ambitions. And these guys seem to make good on their threats. 

This has caused the United Kingdom to raise its terror threat warning to the second highest level: "Severe." That means that "an attack is highly likely." 

Even in the USA, various security agencies, both state and federal, have issued warnings indicating that the intelligence community is expecting some sort of imminent attack on the homeland. 

This is happening against the backdrop of another anniversary of the 2001 terror attacks on New York and Washington. For Americans, December 7 represents Pearl Harbor andNovember 22, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. But only with 9/11, did we name the event for the day. 

For us, 9/11 signifies the horrible events of a day long past. But for terrorists, it's a holy day -- a day to celebrate a past successful attack and a day to launch new ones. This year, America approaches the anniversary of that awful day having acquired some new global enemies and with a new "blood in the water" kind of weakness drawing predators our way. 

Even King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is anxious enough that he issued his own warning: "If we ignore them, I'm sure they will reach Europe in a month and America in another month...." 

And America makes a big, inviting target. Especially since we've decided to leave our borders open and inviting to anyone who wishes to walk in. Texas Governor Rick Perry recently noted that among those crossing the border illegally in the last few months,"We've seen historic high levels of individuals from countries with terrorist ties...." 

And here's what makes this situation even more dangerous. ISIS (as well as the other terror groups that are competing for the spotlight to enhance their recruitment and fund-raising chances) knows that if they can make a big splash against the United States, young Muslim men by the tens of thousands will begin to stream to the Syrian and Iraqi desert to join in their deadly cause.

To them, it's a matter of "striking while the iron is hot." They think that if they can be bold enough, they can achieve a checkmate with the US in just a few dramatic moves. That belief is probably not true, but the conviction is real. And it's the "belief" that makes them dangerous. 

Oklahoma's Senator James Inhofe warned: "We're in the most dangerous position we've ever been in as a nation." 

And this is just against an enemy force of less than 50,000 men. What if we were facing an enemy with an army of millions that had nuclear weapons? 

Apparently, we are! 

President Obama's foreign policy of self-declared weakness and demonstrated vacillation has encouraged the development of the current crisis in Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin has rightly discerned that he will face no opposition to his latest drive to resurrect a new version of the old Soviet Union. 

That's partly why Russian forces are now on the ground in eastern Ukraine. And it's also why Putin feels he can casually warn the world: "It's best not to mess with us ... I want to remind you that Russia is one of the leading nuclear powers." 

Now a rule of thumb for world leaders is that everything they say is going to be heard and studied. That's why, if you're a major world leader, you don't say it if you're not willing to do it. Of course, President Obama has turned that rule of thumb on its head, and that's part of the problem. 

But we've no reason to suspect that Vladimir Putin doesn't mean what he says. And, to my knowledge, he's the first major world leader -- at least in decades -- to casually and publicly bring up his nation's nuclear prowess as a veiled threat. For me, that alone is a major sea change. 

Despite what my critics say, I have never claimed to be a prophet. But I can read the Bible and I can read the news. And I'm telling you that we are closing in on some very dark times. 

Now, more than ever before, it is essential that you stay spiritually strong. Stay in prayer. Stay in the Word. Learn God's promises that will supply your needs for the coming crises. Confess all your known sin and pursue God's will so that you can remain in fellowship and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to survive these days and even lead others to Christ. 

Folks, I truly believe we are in the home stretch. All of the signs that were predicted by the ancient prophets are now in full display. And, most importantly, they're appearing with ever-increasing frequency and intensity. 

With all of today's baffling and seemingly illogical geopolitical developments that leave us scratching our heads, it's becoming easier to see how the fantastic events of the Bible's "end-times scenario" can actually come true. 

We're there. Get ready. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

'The Hal Lindsey Report' "Evil Unmasked"

Some weeks it is more difficult than others to prepare "The Hal Lindsey Report." This has been one of those weeks. 

Because we are reporting on the threat ISIS poses to the Middle East and the world, we've spent a great deal of time investigating the activities of that group, as well as others. That means that I and my staff have spent that time exposed to the unbelievable brutality and cruelty currently on display in Iraq and Syria. 

I'm sure you've seen various images of that brutality on some of the nightly newscasts, but when you begin to focus on the sheer depths of the depravity, you enter a realm that can only be described as spiritual darkness. 

All of us, from myself to my researcher (who, at great personal discomfort, examined all of the different terrorist beheading videos) to my producer/director, even to my video editor, have experienced a level of spiritual warfare that comes along only once in a while. 

I believe that's because we are not witnessing merely the rise of a political or ideological movement, or the carnage of a messy civil war, but we are seeing the emergence of a new manifestation of evil in our world. That's why I've called the first story on this week's program: "Evil Unmasked." It is unbridled evil. 

The recent brutal murder of James Foley seems to have finally caught the world's attention. But it may be too late. As destructive as it is, the terrorist-army steamroller that we know as ISIS ultimately may not be as important as the Islamic threat that it is invigorating across the globe. 

Folks, this is truly Satanic, demonic activity masquerading as sectarian violence. And don't let the analysts -- or the administration -- mislead you. No matter what the U.S. State Department insists, ISIS does represent a religion: Islam. The chaos, mayhem, destruction, devastation, suffering, and grief are the products of that demented ideology followed to its purposed conclusion. 

Normally, in this space I only give you glimpses (and sometimes some background) of what you will see on this week's television program. But this week, I want to share with you the comments of Archbishop Emil Nona, the Chaldean Catholic archbishop of Mosul, Iraq. He issues a warning so strong and alarming that I want you to read it here, too. 

Archbishop Nona was interviewed shortly after fleeing Mosul with thousands of other Christians. When ISIS captured Mosul (with over 1.5 million people, it's the second largest city in Iraq) they offered the Christians a choice: convert to Islam, leave the city and their homes, or die. Thousands fled, many died. Some were actually crucified. 

In fact, on June 15 no Christian services were conducted in Mosul for the first time in 1,600 years! 

The Archbishop told the world: "Our sufferings today are the prelude of those that you, Europeans and Western Christians, will also suffer in the near future.... Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing here. You must consider again our reality in the Middle East, because you are welcoming in your countries an ever-growing number of Muslims.... Islam does not say that all men are equal. Your values are not their values. If you do not understand this soon enough, you will become the victims of the enemy you have welcomed into your home." 

Strong words, but prophetic words. 

What makes all of this even more chilling is that there are thousands of European, British, Australian, and American citizens fighting for ISIS in Iraq and Syria. All of these battle-hardened jihadis carry passports that will allow them to easily return to their home countries or enter the United States. 

Make no mistake, jihad will someday come home to Europe and America, just as Archbishop Nona has warned. 

Maybe sooner than we think. 

Folks, Paul wrote to Timothy that "in the last days perilous times will come." (2 Timothy 3:1) A few verses later he warned, "evil men... will grow worse and worse...." Those days are here. 

Our brothers and sisters in Christ are being beheaded and crucified. And soon, we will face a society that demands that we forsake our Biblical values and accept its Godless dictates or suffer the consequences. Eventually, those consequences will also include death. 

Now is the time to prepare for those days. If you have not done so already, believe that Jesus Christ is who He says He is; acknowledge that you are a sinner; accept the free gift of pardon which He died on Calvary to purchase for us; and, with the help of His Holy Spirit, turn from your old life and follow Him. 

Then you can face the uncertainty of the days ahead knowing that when Jesus calls us from this earth to join Him in heaven, you'll be ready to go.