Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Another terrorist attack on Israel

Did President Obama promise Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas a “state” by September 2011? That is what Abbas is telling reporters this week.
In an unprecedented attack on Israel, the Palestinian Authority -- and its terrorist partner Hamas -- is pushing a vote at the United Nations (U.N.) that would admit them as a full member and as a sovereign nation. This unilateral act of aggression not only violates the U.N.’s own charter, it violates international law.
New ACLJ Film, Matching Challenge DeadlineThe Palestinian Authority is run by Hamas – a terrorist organization whose stated mission is the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people.
The United States is uniquely positioned to stop this act of aggression against Israel. As one of five nations with U.N. Security Council veto power, the U.S. must act in defense of our greatest ally in the Middle East. President Obama is receiving considerable pressure from Arab nations to not veto the inclusion of this terrorist-led government – the voice of every friend to Israel must be heard now.
In fact, news reports are touting the fact that Palestinian President Abbas has a message for President Obama: You promised me a state by September 2011. I hope you will deliver.
A vote at the United Nations General Assembly is expected this Friday. Please take action today. Sign the Petition to Protect Israel, Veto the Creation of a Terrorist-Led State.
I have mobilized our legal and legislative teams in Israel, at the United Nations, and in Washington, D.C. to defend Israel and prevent this terrorist-led government from becoming a nation.
U.N. recognition of the Palestinian Authority is not only dangerous but violates international law. The Charter of Hamas – the terrorist group that has been made equal partners in the Palestinian Authority government – unequivocally states its goal is to “abolish” the state of Israel and calls for “Muslims [to] fight the Jews and kill them.”
The U.N. is only able to grant member status to existing nations, not create nations. Its Charter says: “Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace loving states which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter.” The Palestinian Authority does not meet the legal definition of a “state,” and it is certainly questionable if they are “peace loving.”
President Obama’s support for Israel has wavered in the past. Just last year in his United Nations General Assembly speech he said, “When we come back here next year, we can have an agreement that can lead to a new member of the United Nations, an independent, sovereign state of Palestine living in peace with Israel” -- a statement seen by Abbas as a "promise" from the President, which became the centerpiece of a Palestinian radio commercial promoting PA statehood.
“Peace” has never been the true goal of the terrorist-led Palestinian Authority. It is up to you and every friend of Israel to show our support now – a vote at the U.N. is expected late this week. President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton need to hear from the American people: we must have a U.N. Security Council veto of the terrorist-led Palestinian State.
As Israel's Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor said on our radio show, there is a way for Palestinians to achieve statehood through agreed upon negotiations, but the Palestinian Authority decided not to negotiate. Instead they have chosen a course that violates international law, circumvents the peace process, and establishes a terrorist-led state through unilateral recognition at the U.N.
Please sign our Petition to Protect Israel, and send a powerful message to the Obama Administration that America must keep its promise and stand by Israel, our critical partner in the War on Terror.
Thank you for taking a stand for Israel to prevent this Hamas-led government from becoming a terrorist nation.
Thank you,
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

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