Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Requirement for Every Christian

iStock 000005011810XSmallA recent report released by a leading research organization revealed that, over the past several years, there has been an increase in opposition and persecution of Christians, churches and Christian organizations in America. With America’s founders crossing the ocean to build a new nation based on freedom, including freedom of religion, many secularists are attempting to create a new social-secular “democracy” in America, with freedom from religion rather than of religion. To these individuals, any form of Christianity is a hindrance to the so-called progressive agenda. These people believe that the old foundations must be cracked, broken and removed to create a new world order and a society where man is his own god and secular humanism is the face of the new religion.
The requirement for every Christian is to get up, stand up, speak up, and vote.
                This should be of grave concern to Christians of all denominations. Anyone who stays informed is quite aware that America is a melting pot of ethnicity and religions. In the United States alone there are hundreds of religions, denominations, and opinions on Christian doctrine, some with minor differences between the groups, and always based upon a particular interpretation of scripture. Many of these differences are not based on the primary tenants of our faith—the virgin birth, the redemptive covenant, and the resurrection of Christ.
                However, we are now at a pivotal crossroads. The old ship of state is in the waters with storms brewing in all directions. The sailors must determine which direction to float the boat.
                For the past several weeks I have read on blogs and heard a few Christians state that they are not going to vote in the upcoming election because they disagree with both Presidential candidates. It appears these individuals are looking for a perfect leader who, may I remind you, does not exist except in the person of Jesus Christ. The second point is there will be Senate and House races that will determine who will pass the laws of our land—including laws that will infringe on our religious freedoms, or laws that will legalize abominations. The president nominates the Supreme Court Justices, court of appeals judges, and district court judges, and these are confirmed by the United States Senate. Our president will either stand with or against Israel. It is not just the mere election of a president that is at stake.
                I am boldly saying that every Christian needs to be registered to vote and needs to vote early or show up on election day in November and let you voice be heard in the voting booth. You may not like anyone on the ballot, but at least vote for those who best represent values that line up with Scripture and are best for the nation. The requirement for every Christian is to get up, stand up, speak up, and vote. All we must do for darkness to rule and oppression to reign is to do nothing. If you choose not to vote, then let me be blunt. You have no right to express an opinion about anything because you took no action; thus, you silenced your own voice. Just something to think about.

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