Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The U.S. Government's Disastrous Outreach to Islamists

My friend and colleague Patrick Poole, who you've seen on many episodes of the Stakelbeck on Terror show and in my 700 Club reports, has written a groundbreaking new pieceabout the U.S. government's outreach to Islamists--particularly the Muslim Brotherhood--and how it has had a disastrous impact on America's national security. Here is a snippet:

The Obama administration has...taken extraordinary measures to protect individuals and organizations identified by the U.S. government as members and fronts of the Muslim Brotherhood from prosecution. As the government’s outreach partners, they are directly contributing to the law enforcement and national security policies that are responsible for blinding government agencies to active terror threats. White House officials openly acknowledge that the ISNA, led by Mohamed Majid, is their “primary means of outreach to the American Muslim community,” despite being identified by federal prosecutors as the Muslim Brotherhood in the Holy Land Foundation trial.
What has been the effect of these relationships with the Muslim Brotherhood on the Obama administration’s foreign policy? As mentioned earlier, Mohamed Majid was recently in the White House briefing the president for his recent trip to Jordan and Israel. In May 2011, he was sitting in the front row at the State Department when President Obama delivered a major speech on the Middle East.[199] He also advises the Pentagon, the CIA, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
The influence of the head of the of the largest U.S. Muslim Brotherhood front–identified as a front by federal prosecutors–undoubtedly contributed to one of the biggest foreign policy embarrassments of the Obama administration. In February 2011, in the early days of the so-called “Arab Spring,” Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified before the House Intelligence Committee. When asked by Rep. Sue Myrick about the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States, Director Clapper read from a set of prepared talking points in which he informed Congress that the Muslim Brotherhood was a “largely secular” organization.[200]
Read it all and prepare to have your eyes opened (and your blood pressure rise). It is a comprehensive and revealing piece written by one of America's foremost investigative journalists and Muslim Brotherhood experts. America, we are in deep trouble.

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