Friday, August 23, 2013

The Hal Lindsey Report

The Hal Lindsey Report'
Much of the world's attention has been riveted on Egypt the past few weeks. First, millions of Egyptians rose up to protest the direction the government of Mohamed Morsi was headed -- directly toward Sharia law and the establishment of an Islamic state. Not to mention the fact that his one-year-old incompetent presidency had also allowed the bottom to drop out of Egypt's economy with no reasonable hope of recovery. 

Then, the military stepped in. Many thought Egypt's armed forces, long the stabilizing force in the country, had been neutered by Morsi's removal of senior officers loyal to Hosni Mubarak and their replacement with Islamic loyalist officers. Led by General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, though, it removed Morsi from office and has since arrested almost all of the senior political and spiritual leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Enraged by the turn of events, pro-Morsi, pro-Brotherhood, and pro-Sharia protesters have staged massive rallies that have been violently disrupted by the military. More than a thousand have died in the confrontations. In the chaos, Muslim mobs have torched scores of Christian churches and businesses throughout Egypt. Many Coptic Christians have been injured and several have died. 

The notorious Muslim Brotherhood is one of the world's premier terrorist organizations and the sire of other groups such as Al-Qaeda and Hamas. It was the organization that benefited most from Mubarak's overthrow in 2011. Though long outlawed by the government, it was the best-organized political group at the time of the first elections in the post-Mubarak era. Even though the Brotherhood initially promised not to field a presidential candidate, it reneged and did so, and won. So not only did the Muslim Brotherhood -- which was responsible for the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981 -- hold the presidency of Egypt, it controlled the parliament as well. 

This military "non-coup" (the U.S. declines to acknowledge it as a coup for legal reasons) has presented a problem for the administration of Barack Obama. He chose to help push Mubarak out of office in February, 2011, in favor of the only viable alternative at the time -- the Muslim Brotherhood. Various administration officials insisted that the Brotherhood was not politically strong enough to take over Egypt. When it did, they denied that the Brotherhood was a dangerous organization, despite its history of terrorism and mayhem. They also tried to deny the Brotherhood's Islamic connection. Remember when James Clapper, Obama's National Intelligence Director, called the Brotherhood "largely secular?" Even the western media gagged on that one! 

So now the U.S. strategy is to find "moderate" Muslim Brotherhood members that it can force the Egyptian military to bring back into the government. Apparently, the administration doesn't realize that in Islam, "moderate" equates to "hypocrite." And the Koran insists that devout Muslims "Strive against the disbelievers (that's all non-Muslims) and the hypocrites (that's "moderate" Muslims). Be harsh with them!" (Quran 9:73) 

Either the administration doesn't get it -- which is frightening -- or they do get it and don't care -- which is even more frightening! 

Speaking of frightening, the level of paranoia across the Middle East is frightening. (However, it's nothing compared to the insane paranoia produced by "political correctness" in America today, which goes beyond frightening to terrifying. But that's been my focus the last few weeks and I'll not revisit it here.) Turkish officials recently detained a bird and accused it of spying for Israel. Seriously. 

Villagers found a kestrel -- which is a type of falcon -- with a Tel Aviv University tag attached (no doubt for tracking the bird's migration). Turkish officials identified the bird as an Israeli spy. As funny as that sounds, it's not so unusual. The Times of Israelreports that Israel previously has been accused of using bee-eaters and eagles as spies. An Egyptian official once insisted that "Israel-controlled sharks could be involved in a number of attacks on tourists in the Red Sea." 

By the way, x-rays revealed that the kestrel carried no surveillance equipment. Apparently, the charges were dropped and it was eventually released into the wild. 

However, it all goes to illustrate the heightened state of uneasiness felt across the world these days. Even though throughout his campaign in 2012, President Obama insisted that he had al-Qaeda "on the run," we seem to be the ones doing the running. From massive university campuses evacuated because of telephoned bomb threats to 19 American embassies and consulates closed across the Middle East because of threatening "chatter," the terrorists seem to be getting exactly what they want: a population on edge and the world's only superpower in retreat -- without a shot being fired. 

Not surprisingly, the mainstream media here in the U.S. largely chose to ignore three recent major prison breaks in the Middle East. In Pakistan, Libya, and Iraq, almost 2,000 extremely dangerous imprisoned terrorists escaped. Al-Qaeda apparently stopped running long enough to promise that more prison breakouts are coming and Interpol agrees. In fact, the international police organization has issued an official alert to the entire world. 

In Israel, the first 26 of more than 100 prisoners are also on the loose now. This wasn't a breakout, however. It was what I would describe as an "extorted release." You see, the United States is once again pressuring Israel to engage in the laughable facade it chooses to call the "Israeli-Palestinian peace talks." 

It's been three years since the sides actually sat down to discuss the "two-state solution." Since John Kerry became Secretary of State earlier this year, he has obsessed over reviving the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Of course, Israel has been willing to resume the talks at any time, and has often publicly stated as much. The Palestinians, however, have been the reluctant participants. 

Relenting under the Secretary's pressure, the Palestinian Authority demanded that Israel release 104 Palestinians currently held in Israeli prisons before it will even come to the table. 

Also relenting under the Secretary's pressure, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to the release. 

So now the Palestinians and the Israelis have met twice. The first time to discuss the size and shape of the table. The second time, presumably, to start talking about the issues. 

Folks, a dark force menaces the world today and the nations don't know how to handle it. As Christians, we look at these bewildering events and understand that there are powerful supernatural forces at work. The ancient prophets described these days with astonishing accuracy. But God would not have us be afraid. In fact, through his prophet Isaiah He comforted us: "Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness." (Isaiah4:10

It's time to build up and begin to exercise our "combat faith" by standing firm on the immutable promises of God. He will then help you to enter His peace and rest in the midst of the most violent storms. 

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