Sunday, January 12, 2014

This week 'The Hal Lindsey Report'

 "The Prophetic Year in Review: 2013." 

For more than 20 years now, we've watched with fascination the dramatic storyline unfold in Russia. After the fall of the Soviet Union and Russia's first faltering steps toward democracy, some observers criticized Ezekiel's prediction that Russia -- referred to as Magog by the prophet -- would someday lead a confederation of nations against Israel. 

Though Russia has never regained the "superpower" status previously enjoyed by the Soviet Union, it has become a powerful regional player that is extending its hegemony into the Middle East. More importantly, in 2013 its leader Vladimir Putin enjoyed a breakout year. In fact, because of his astute manipulation of the Syrian civil war crisis and the Iran - United States nuclear standoff, Forbes magazine declared him the most powerful man in the world -- a position traditionally held by the President of the United States. 

For years now, Russia has been the protector of Iran ("Persia" in Ezekiel's prophecy). By pressuring the P5+1 nations into allowing Iran to continue unabated its pursuit of nuclear weapons and by helping President Obama save face in his confrontation with Syria (Iran's most important ally), Vladimir Putin seems to be maneuvering Russia into exactly the position predicted by Ezekiel more than 2,600 years ago. 

If that's not genuine advancement of the end-times prophetic scenario, I don't know what is! 

But the Middle East wasn't the only hot spot in the world last year. The country that tutored Iran on how to play the West for suckers had its own share of drama. In North Korea, the world's wackiest (and potentially most dangerous) dictator, Kim Jong-un continued to solidify his control over the world's most secretive and oppressive dystopia.

Kim the Third is working frantically to develop a missile that can reach the United States with its nuclear warhead. Of course, North Korea has been exporting its nuclear knowledge and technology to Iran and Syria for many years now, but Kim Jong-un is demonstrating a level of ruthlessness that is making many leaders in the rest of the world increasingly uneasy about what the future holds for the Korean peninsula and Japan. 

Here in the United States, the Supreme Court made its own contribution to the moral free-fall predicted by Jesus Himself for the last days of this Age. By striking down key portions of the "Defense of Marriage Act" (DOMA), the justices cracked open the door for what will undoubtedly be a national redefinition of God's sacred institution of marriage. 

Jesus said that in the time before His return for those who had accepted His sacrifice for their sins, it will be "as it was in the days of Lot." How was it in the "days of Lot?" Simply put, there was a societal acceptance and celebration of homosexuality. 

I don't believe we're there quite yet, but on the subject of marriage, 2013 saw a major turning away of the hearts of the young from God and His Word. And that shift is being led, promoted, and celebrated by the highest leaders in our land. 

I think that can mean only one thing, folks. Next stop: Heaven! All aboard! Get ready today. 

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