Friday, February 7, 2014

Robert Jeffress on Revelation, President Obama's Role in End Times Prophecy and Motivating Christians to Share the Gospel

Pastor Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of the 11,000-member First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, has released a new book, Perfect Ending: Why Your Eternal Future Matters Today, that cuts through the misconceptions about end times prophecy and God's judgment, and answers questions about heaven. It also answers why Christians should be actively sharing the Gospel with nonbelievers.
In an interview with The Christian Post, Jeffress shared which questions he gets asked most about heaven, why he says President Barack Obama's policies are paving the way for a future world dictator, known as the Antichrist, and why Christians shouldn't shy away from being active in politics.
CP: In your book, you mention that President Barack Obama's policies and political agenda is paving the way for a future world dictator. Can you provide a couple examples of those policies?
Jeffress: Those are probably the two paragraphs in the book that have garnered the most national attention. I want to be very clear, I am not claiming that President Obama is the Antichrist. In fact, I'm absolutely certain he is not the Antichrist. The reason I can say that is the Bible indicates the Antichrist will have higher poll numbers. But I do believe that the president is paving the way for a future world dictator.
The Bible says the seven years of history before the coming of Christ will be characterized by this world dictator that we commonly call the Antichrist. He will usurp people's basic freedoms, such as speech, worship and commerce. He will launch an attack against God's people. And he will seek to change God's moral law, according to Daniel 7:25. And he will be able to accomplish all of these things with little to no opposition – at least at the beginning
And when I wrote this book, I had to ask the question: How will the Antichrist be able to usurp such freedom without any opposition. And my answer is that people will have been conditioned to the giving up of their rights long before this final dictator comes. And I think you see that in President Obama.
You have to agree, whether you're for or against Obamacare, that the president has successfully seized control of one-sixth of the nation's economy, causing people to give up basic freedoms, like the freedom of the choice of a doctor and a health care provider.
Not only that, the president has launched an attack against God's own people unlike any president in history. Who would've thought a president of the United States would be going against a little group of nuns because they would not submit to the HHS mandate for contraceptives.
For the first time in U.S. history you've had a president who has proposed a change in one of God's most basic moral laws that marriage should be between a man and a woman. The president was able to do all of these things and still win re-election by a comfortable margin.
This is what I'm saying: The president is both illustrative of, but he's also preparing the way for the coming world dictator. Now, let me be very clear and say that I do not believe that President Obama kneels before an altar of Satan in the Oval Office every day – I'm not saying that at all. But I am saying that what he is doing now is preparing the way for this future dictator.
CP: So you're saying that current events, President Obama's policies, are examples of what's to come?
Jeffress: They are examples of what is yet to come. But they are also preparing the way for what is to come by conditioning people to give up their rights for the so-called greater good.

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