Saturday, April 14, 2012

Why Has There Been a Delay in the Attack?

If you have been watching the news since the beginning of 2012, then you are aware of the contention between Iran’s nuclear program and the threat it holds for Israel in the future.  Intelligence information reports that this nuclear program is not just for energy needed to provide electricity for homes, but in reality is a cover for a more sinister plot – to create nuclear warheads and arm missiles capable of reaching Israel, Europe and the United States.
The bottom line in the delay is because of great concerns with oil prices, retaliation, and the election.
            I can recall as far back as the Bush administration, discussions concerning an attack on both the Iranian nuclear facilities and underground bunkers where laboratories and storage facilities hold dangerous chemicals or labs where possible weapons of mass destruction can be produced. Of course this was only talk. Now that Iran has moved further in their program and expanded their plans to include the future destruction of Israel, the Jewish state is running out of time, while the Obama administration continues to talk “secretly behind closed doors,” using Turkey as the voice to send messages.  It was actually leaked out through a source on the Debka File, that the administration sent a message to Iran that if a war broke out to please not send any missiles into Iraq to endanger our troops.  This is like David asking Goliath to not kill him when David would throw a stone from the sling! There is also a leak (John Bolton spoke of this), where information from someone in the administration was leaked out to Iran revealing certain secret plans the Israelis have in the event of an attack, of using military bases in Afghanistan.  I do know from Israeli sources that President Obama has asked Israel to wait until after he is re-elected in November, to conduct any type of military attack on Iraq.
            Why would the leader of the free world want to delay the inevitable and even place one of America’s greatest allies at greater risk?  The answer to even the casual observer is two words:  The Election.  Even Vice President Biden allegedly said that if Israel went to war before the election and gas prices increased dramatically, the president would lose the election, as it would impact the economy.  The theory is that prices of oil coming from the Persian Gulf region would rise and possibly the Strait of Hormuz would be cut off.  There is also a threat of a Saudi oil refinery being struck by an Iranian missile.  This combination could bring gas to about $5.50 to $7.00 a gallon in major cities. I can certainly understand the concern of any administration in America for being hesitant, especially since intelligence sources also just released that there are possibly 200 to 300 radical sleeper cells hiding in New York alone! The bottom line in the delay is because of great concerns with oil prices, retaliation, and the election.
            It would be far better to strike early and get it over with than delay and make things more difficult in the future. There is no doubt that several major events are going to unfold in the future, and possibly this year. If we are truly living in the last days, then we must acknowledge these events are a part of the greater plan of God and place our trust in Him to provide and protect his people in America, Israel and the world.


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