Friday, July 19, 2013

'The Hal Lindsey Report'

It's as if we're standing on the seashore and watching the waves of "political correctness" lapping at our feet. Sometimes they almost reach us, then recede. Sometimes they wash over our toes. Occasionally, they splash at our ankles. It's annoying, but not enough to make us return to higher ground. I fear, though, that if we only raise our eyes to the horizon, we may be surprised to see an ominous sight - a tidal wave gathering force as it rushes toward us on the shore. 

We are only now beginning to feel the effects of this evil we call political correctness or PC. But I believe we will soon experience its full weight and power. Already, in Europe, pastors have been prosecuted for simply preaching the gospel because it does not agree with what the society deems "acceptable" thought. 

The question I believe God is asking us today is "How will you respond when the time comes to defy the prevailing norms of society and defend the claims of Jesus Christ - that He is the only way to salvation?" Consider this. If you will not speak out to defend your right to proclaim the truth of the Gospel now when all you risk is a little embarrassment, ridicule, public humiliation or ostracism - then how will you find the courage to defend the Gospel of Jesus when you risk arrest, criminal prosecution, and bodily harm? And those days are coming to America soon. The Bible predicts it. 

Well, I can answer that question for many of you. You won't! 

Then you will have to come to grips with this warning of Jesus, "Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in Heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 10:32-33, NASB) 

I've said before that I think the occasion for the persecution of the church and individual Christians will come as a result of political correctness. I believe, too, that the justification for the prosecution of the church and individual Christians will be provided by our failure to follow the dictates of political correctness. 

You see, the ultimate goal of political correctness, which I believe is one of Satan's most ingenious and diabolical weapons, is the complete elimination of "exclusivity" from our societies and cultures. Steve Tobak of Fox Business described it this way: "It's collectivism, which destroys individualism. Competition is bad. Everyone is a winner. Everyone has to be included and treated the same. Singling out individuals as special or unique excludes others, so that's out.... Everything has to be filtered to ensure no one is offended or gets into trouble." 

As a result, the one thing practitioners and propagandists of political correctness absolutely hate is the idea that there is only one way to do something. Only one way to act. Only one way to think. Only one way to reach heaven. Aha! 

That's why the PCers hate Christianity so much. Christianity teaches that there is only one way to reach heaven -- by accepting the free gift of pardon provided by the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus Christ alone. 

And that is absolutely, diametrically opposite to the contention of the PC crowd. The time is coming when these two great forces -- Christianity and anti-Christianity ("political correctness") -- will meet head-on. I can guess that the results won't be pretty. 

On this week's program, I'm going to examine this exploding scourge that I call "The PC Contagion" and show how it is affecting every element of our society. Alarmingly, it seems to be taking hold faster and more dramatically in our armed forces. 

I'll also discuss how our evolution into a "sound bite culture" has laid the groundwork for this modern plague. 

Now is the time to begin seriously preparing yourself, spiritually and emotionally, for the dark days that lie ahead. Those days have already reached many of our brothers and sisters in Christ across the world. I believe that we American Christians have been given some reprieve because of the faith and foresight of our Founding Fathers. I think God has honored their faith and blessed our nation, but I also believe we've squandered that blessing and our day in the sun is drawing to a close. 

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